David LaRochelle

author & illustrator


I love to enter con­tests! In fact two of my pic­ture books, A Christ­mas Guest and The Best Pet of All, began as con­test entries. But I’ve been enter­ing con­tests long before I ever became a pub­lished author.

My first nation­al win came in 1975 when I was four­teen-years-old, in a con­test spon­sored by Shas­ta Soda Pop. The object of the con­test was to tell in thir­ty words or less why Shasta’s four­teen fla­vors of pop were more fun than one. Here’s my win­ning entry:

Shasta’s fab­u­lous four­teen fla­vors are far more fan­tas­tic than one flat, foul, fick­le, flop of a fla­vor. They’re freezy, frosty, fizzy, and far-out. Final­ly, they’re fun! I’m your fan forever.

My prize? A sev­en-minute shop­ping spree at our local gro­cery store!

DLR contest shopping

Some of my oth­er prizes, and the con­tests in which I won them, include:

DLR contest shopping