David LaRochelle

author & illustrator


I love to enter contests! In fact two of my picture books, A Christmas Guest and The Best Pet of All, began as contest entries. But I’ve been entering contests long before I ever became a published author.

My first national win came in 1975 when I was fourteen-years-old, in a contest sponsored by Shasta Soda Pop. The object of the contest was to tell in thirty words or less why Shasta’s fourteen flavors of pop were more fun than one. Here’s my winning entry:

Shasta’s fabulous fourteen flavors are far more fantastic than one flat, foul, fickle, flop of a flavor. They’re freezy, frosty, fizzy, and far-out. Finally, they’re fun! I’m your fan forever.

My prize? A seven-minute shopping spree at our local grocery store!

DLR contest shopping

Some of my other prizes, and the contests in which I won them, include:

DLR contest shopping