David LaRochelle

author & illustrator

It’s a Tiger!

It's a Tiger!

by David LaRochelle
illus­trat­ed by Jere­my Tankard
Chron­i­cle Books, 2012
Ages: Preschool and up
ISBN 978–0‑8118–6925‑6

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Are you ready for a sto­ry? Me too. But wait a minute. What’s that lurk­ing in the jun­gle? You don’t think it could be … A TIGER!

No mat­ter which way the nar­ra­tor in this sto­ry runs, that pesky tiger keeps show­ing up. With plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties for lis­ten­ers to jump, duck, climb, and run, this ener­getic read-aloud will have young chil­dren shout­ing, “It’s a tiger!”

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Teach­ers, librar­i­ans, and book­store own­ers, you can down­load a free teach­ing guide and an activ­i­ty kit for It’s a Tiger!

Awards and Recognition

Iowa Bridge to Read­ing Award
Min­neso­ta Book Award
Star of the North Pic­ture Book Award nom­i­nee
Utah Bee­hive Book Award nom­i­nee
Mis­souri Build­ing Block Award nom­i­nee
Texas 2x2 Read­ing List
Bank Street Col­lege of Edu­ca­tion Best Chil­dren’s Books
Ten­nessee Vol­un­teer Award nominee

Tigers drawn by kindergarten artists in Michigan
Tigers drawn by the kinder­garten artists in Michigan.


“Tankard’s vibrant ink and dig­i­tal­ly ren­dered illus­tra­tions express the excite­ment and fun of the sto­ry, ele­vat­ing the exu­ber­ant text to ide­al sto­ry­time fare. It’s a tiger, and it’s sure to be a hit.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“Young imag­i­na­tions will run wild with this sto­ry with­in a sto­ry of a young boy who escapes from a tiger over and over again in var­i­ous out­ra­geous land- and seascapes. Tankard’s bold black lines, cre­at­ed with ink and dig­i­tal media, frame the car­toon­like char­ac­ters and allow the tiger’s stripes to stand out strik­ing­ly when viewed from a sto­ry­time cir­cle. Chil­dren will enjoy try­ing to spot the tiger’s tail, which is often cam­ou­flaged with­in the back­ground scenery, while the pro­tag­o­nist reg­u­lar­ly shouts, “A TIGER!” dis­played in large-type font. Teach­ers can use this book to lead their lis­ten­ing audi­ences in re-cre­at­ing the boy’s actions as he some­times creeps and crawls, yet at oth­er times he bold­ly races to the sur­pris­ing con­clu­sion. This tale will be a boon to cre­ative minds every­where and a par­tic­i­pa­to­ry sto­ry­time win­ner.” (School Library Jour­nal, starred review)

“It’s not easy to find a pic­ture book with this lev­el of ver­bal and visu­al sophis­ti­ca­tion that man­ages to remain kid-friend­ly to even the lit­tlest lap readers.…Artist Jere­my Tankard has impec­ca­ble tim­ing, mov­ing rhyth­mi­cal­ly through a book that alter­nates relaxation…with deli­cious com­ic terror…The car­toony qual­i­ty of words and pic­tures keeps the tiger from being too scary. ‘It’s a Tiger!’ comes to a sweet sur­prise end­ing that, with luck, may lead to a swampy sequel.” (The Boston Globe)