How Martha Saved Her Parents from Green Beans

by David LaRochelle
illustrated by Mark Fearing
Dial Books, 2013
Ages: 5 and up
ISBN: 978–0‑8037–3766‑2
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Martha knows that green beans are bad, very bad, but even Martha is caught off guard when a gang of mean green beans strolls into town and kidnaps her parents. She can think of only one way to save her parents—and her town—from these villainous vegetables, and it’s not going to be pretty…or tasty!
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Check out these coloring pages (Martha and the Green Beans) from Mark Fearing, or try your hand at making your own “Wanted” poster for a bad green bean!
Awards and Recognition
Minnesota Book Award finalist
Tennessee Volunteer Book Award nominee
Wanda Gag Read Aloud Honor Book
Washington Children’s Choice Picture Book Award nominee
Wyoming Buckaroo Book Award nominee
“A hilarious spin on the kid who doesn’t like to eat vegetables.…With a wacky premise and a perfect tone, this saga is sure to please vegetable haters everywhere.” (School Library Journal)
“Dramatically comic illustrations rely on bold colors as well as exaggerated gestures and facial expressions to heighten the absurd.…A must for picky eaters.” (Kirkus Reviews)
“LaRochelle’s completely silly story has a wonderfully ridiculous flavor and will ring true for many families who struggle with picky eaters. Mark Fearing’s bold, sassy mixed digital and media illustrations capture each character’s mood and reactions with comic flare. The mean green bean gang, with their cowboy and pirate fashions, is despicably delightful. The expressions on Martha’s dog’s face, alone, are worth the read.” (Library Media Connection)
“LaRochelle’s text is both picturesque and succinct, a tasty treat to read aloud.” (Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books)