Monster & Son

by David LaRochelle
illustrated by Joey Chou
Chronicle Books, 2016
Ages: 2 to 6 years
ISBN: 978–1‑4521–2937‑2
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Readers big and small, young and old, wild and tame, will roar with laughter and tackle this book by the horns, teeth, and fur, discovering that monsters and humans aren’t so different — especially in the ways that they love each other.
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Create your own monster with this downloadable drawing activity!

Awards and Recognition
CCBC Choices List
“Sly interplay between sweet-natured verse and not-so-sweet-natured activities provide mischievous laughs in this monster-themed ode to children from their parents. The parents in question are mythical and supernatural creatures—including ghosts, werewolves, vampires, etc.—that Chou renders as simultaneously adorable and destructive in crisp digital artwork with a subdued, creamy palette. The innocuousness of LaRochelle’s gentle rhymes contrasts delightfully with the havoc being wrought. “You woke me with a monstrous roar, my brave and fearless son,” he writes as a dinosaurlike creature smashes a city to bits with his excited morning energy (his parent lies sleeping atop another city across the bay). After a page turn, the rhyme completes (“and led the way that filled our day with rough and rowdy fun”) as sea serpents toss a beach ball back and forth, causing sailboats to flounder and sink … when parents love their child, LaRochelle suggests, nothing else matters.” (Publishers Weekly)
“Monstrous good fun to share with your own favorite beast.” (Kirkus Reviews)