David LaRochelle

author & illustrator

Planet of the Penguins

Planet of the Penguins

by David LaRochelle
illus­trat­ed by Mike Gor­man
Ster­ling Chil­dren’s Books, 2019
Ages: 9 to 12
Paper­back, 112 pages
ISBN 978–1‑4549–2922‑2

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Alien Math Book No. 2

Lamar and Lex­ie head off on anoth­er math-relat­ed adven­ture to help their space alien friend Fooz when her plan­et is invad­ed by pen­guins. These pen­guins may look adorable, but the mere sight of one is enough to turn the plan­et’s inhab­i­tants to stone. In order to save the plan­et, Lamar and Lex­ie must solve a series of puz­zles that require read­ing map coor­di­nates, inter­pret­ing Roman Numer­als, and mea­sur­ing time. Are Lex­ie and Lamar—and you—up to the challenge?

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“Again and again, math, log­ic, and num­bers get Lex­ie and Lamar out of sticky situations.…The math will be enough to draw some read­ers in while the action-packed sto­ry will keep the math-averse reading—and per­haps occa­sion­al­ly flex­ing their math mus­cles too. This play­ful math series is over­all a valu­able addi­tion to the chap­ter-book shelf.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“LaRochelle shrewd­ly inte­grates the numer­i­cal puz­zles (which involve pat­terns, prob­a­bil­i­ty, mea­sur­ing sys­tems, and sym­me­try) into his mad­cap plot, and the play­ful com­pe­ti­tion between the math whiz kids fur­ther ener­gizes the sto­ry.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly)