David LaRochelle

author & illustrator


David LaRochelle

Watch Reese With­er­spoon read The Best Pet of All at the White House!

I am such a lucky man! I get to make my liv­ing writ­ing and illus­trat­ing books for young peo­ple. Wel­come to my web­site where you can read about my books, dis­cov­er what I was like as a kid, and even try your hand at some of my puzzles.

What’s New with David?

Here are a few of the things I’ve been up to lately:

  • Celebrating Mr. Fox's Game of "NO!" with Mike Wohnoutka by enjoying giant hot fudge sundaes.
    Cel­e­brat­ing Mr. Fox’s Game of “NO!” with Mike Wohnout­ka by enjoy­ing giant hot fudge sundaes.

“After hav­ing two new pic­ture books pub­lished in 2023, I am thrilled to have two more books pub­lished in 2024. Both are illus­trat­ed by my tal­ent­ed and good friend Mike Wouh­nout­ka.

In May, Go and Get with Rex was pub­lished; in Sep­tem­ber, Mr. Fox’s Game of No! was released. For those of you who know how much I love play­ing games, you won’t be sur­prised that both of these books involve games that chal­lenge the read­er to play along.

I’m delight­ed that See the Cat was just released in a box set with a cud­dly plush Max, and arrrgh, Mateys! Look at what’s on the hori­zon for Jan­u­ary 2025!”