David LaRochelle

author & illustrator


One of the most impor­tant things an author can do is to read. The more that I read, the more my writ­ing improves. And with­out a doubt my favorite type of books to read are children’s books.

Ask me tomor­row and my choic­es will most like­ly be dif­fer­ent, but here are my cur­rent “Top Ten” lists of favorite children’s books by oth­er authors.

Let me know your favorites; I’m always look­ing for new books to read!

Top Ten Pic­ture Books

Top Ten Chap­ter Books

And take a look at the book rec­om­men­da­tions from oth­er vis­i­tors; they’ve got some great sug­ges­tions for out­stand­ing books.

David reading
Read­ing one of my favorite books, Dear Mr. Henshaw
David reading
Read­ing one of my favorite books, Dear Mr. Henshaw